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¿No pasa nada?, una campaña de Malala IAP que alerta del peligro por el uso de las drogas
No harm done, a Malala IAP campaign warning of the dangers of drug use
Malala IAP seeks to change the perception of children and young people about drugs, in order to reduce the percentage of children and young people who start using these substances.

In order to raise awareness among Mexican and Latin American families about the danger of drug use and change the perception of children and adolescents about these harmful substances, Malala IAP undertook the communication project No problem?in which, with real testimonies, he exposes this alarming problem.

The organization stresses that in Mexico drug use increased from 7.8% in 2011, to 10.3% in 2016. In 2018, the age for drug initiation ranged from 12 to 17 years, now reduced to 10 years, in addition to the fact that during the pandemic the hard drug use among adolescents increased by 15%.

"Faced with these figures, this organization was urged to promote a communication project with much more strength, with the purpose of helping to make visible this great problem that affects all Mexicans. The mission is to raise awareness among Latin American families and society in general about the dangers and serious consequences of addictions, showing with real testimonies the alarming reality that addicts and their families live", highlights the organization in an institutional video of the campaign.

The objective is that this documentary, in which people give their testimonies about the serious dangers of drug and alcohol consumption, will have a great emotional impact on children and young people, and that it will be engraved in their memory so that they will be prepared to say "NO" when someone invites them to try drugs for the first time, adds Malala IAP.

"We believe that we can change the perception of children and young people about drugs and thus counteract the false reality that is often shown in the entertainment media, becoming a factor of change that can reduce the percentages of children and young people who start using drugs," he says.

In this communication project of Malala IAP parents and institutions committed to addiction prevention collaborate.

What is Malala IAP?

It is a non-profit, non-partisan, private assistance institution whose main objective is to prevent school dropouts, drug use and juvenile delinquency.

Under the initiative of Roberto Gutiérrez and Helio Carcereri, this organization began activities in 2013 with an academy in Culiacán, Sinaloa. Currently there are already 4 academies in Sinaloa and Sonora, with the goal of reaching 100 throughout the country.

You can consult the testimonials of the campaign No pasa nada? in this link.

