Sea of Cortez Forum Summit 2024 culminates with a call to establish indicators in the region
Colombia apuesta por la Inteligencia Artificial para impulsar la formalización laboral en el sector cafetero.
Colombia bets on Artificial Intelligence to boost labor formalization in the coffee sector
México presenta en la COP16 avances de su Hoja de Ruta hacia la Meta 30x30 en conservación de biodiversidad
Mexico presents progress on its Roadmap towards the 30x30 Biodiversity Conservation Target at COP16
Guardianas del Conchalito, las mujeres que protegen y educan en el manglar
Guardians of Conchalito, the women who protect and educate in the mangrove swamp
Growth of electric vehicles drives expansion of charging infrastructure in cities


Bismarck Lepe, fundador de Wizeline y Ooyala, llamó a invertir en talento y proyectos locales como clave para detonar ecosistemas de negocios. Destacó la importancia de formar comunidades de conocimiento

Business, entrepreneurship and economy

Through an AI chatbot, coffee producers in the department of Huila will have access to personalized advice on labor formalization, business management, occupational health and safety, and good agricultural practices.


The goal for 2030 is to protect 30.8 million hectares of land and 19.6 million hectares of marine areas, emphasizes Alicia Bárcena, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources.

social inclusion

A group of 12 women in La Paz promotes educational and community ecotourism to preserve one of the lungs of the capital of Baja California Sur.


Governments and private sector collaborate to expand charging networks while moving towards more sustainable, electric mobility


Ernesto Flores Uribe highlights the socio-environmental agenda of the Mololoa river basin as transcendent for Nayarit; in Mazatlan, Xico Vega stresses that biodiversity is an economic trigger for southern Sinaloa