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Gobierno de México impulsará proyectos para reducir la huella de carbono en empresas.
Sustainable development
Mexican government to promote projects to reduce carbon footprint in companies
SHCP, Semarnat and Nafin launch the Eco Sustainable Credit program to mobilize $1.5 billion in private capital for more than one thousand projects, with which they estimate to mitigate up to 100 thousand tons of CO2e.

The government of Mexico launched the program Sustainable Eco CreditThe aim of this initiative is to promote, with private capital, more than 1,000 projects that will reduce the carbon footprint.

This is a joint effort of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) and National Finance (Nafin) to promote the environmental sustainability.

The SHCP emphasized that the goal is to mobilize at least 1.5 billion pesos in more than 1,000 projects, with the potential to mitigate around 100,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).

This key initiative is part of the Sustainable Financing Strategy The main objective of this project is to promote projects that reduce the carbon footprint, thus marking a significant step towards environmental sustainability, according to the agency.

This strategy was developed in collaboration with the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) and the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ) in Mexico.

Sustainable Eco Credit is aimed at companies in the industrial, commercial and service sectors. Its focus is on providing tools and financial resources for carrying out energy diagnostics, identifying savings opportunities and investing in energy efficiency measures.

The program offers financing of up to 15 million pesos for the acquisition and installation of high-efficiency equipment and renewable technologies. These investments will not only increase the competitiveness of companies by reducing costs in electricity billing and thermal consumption, but will also play a significant role in the fight against climate change.

Companies interested in participating in Sustainable Eco Credit must register at the following link: Those selected will have access to credit through a network of participating banks, which currently includes Afirme, CI Banco, BBVA, Citibanamex and Mifel, with the expectation of expanding the list of banking partners in the near future.

This effort is supported technically and financially by prestigious international institutions, including the Mitigation Action Facility (MAF), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ), the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities (KEFM), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The program Sustainable Eco Credit establishes a model for the promotion of eco-friendly projects in the business environment.

Source: SHCP
