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Presentan en el Summit 2024 el Índice de Prosperidad de La Paz.

La Paz Prosperity Index presented at Summit 2024

Rodrigo Gallegos highlights that this index is unique because its approach is based on the voice of the inhabitants of four communities in this Baja California Sur municipality.

Los Cabos, BCS. _ Within the framework of the Summit 2024 Cities with a Future. No fear of actionwas presented on La Paz Prosperity Indexa tool developed by Alumbra Innovations which aims to align expectations, projects and collaborative work so that the people of La Paz can achieve well-being and prosperity.

Rodrigo Gallegosan expert in prosperity measurement and ESG strategies, explained that the La Paz Prosperity Index seeks to redefine the way of understanding and measuring the well-being of the people of La Paz from the perspective of the inhabitants of the municipality themselves on what prosperity means.

"It is very different because it includes many variables that include many indexes, but it has this element that it is born from the people and that it really prioritizes, according to a mixture of dialogues, discussions and understanding what people say in their homes about what is welfare and what is prosperity," he said.

The coordinator of this project explained that for the construction of this index, the inhabitants of the city of La Paz, Todos Santos y Fishmonger, The Window y El Triunfo.


He said that this approach, although more costly in time and effort, made it possible to create something more authentic and representative".

One of the main findings is that the inhabitants of La Paz associate the prosperity mainly with the economic stabilitythe health and the social welfare. However, this well-being has a different component because more than 50% of the inhabitants were not born in this city, which dilutes the deep-rooted identity that characterizes other regions of the country.

"Here it is very much linked to access to the beach, to the way of life of the sea, access to everyone's resource, the common resource that is the beach, the sea, and that gives a particular focus to what you can do and should be doing if you want to improve prosperity in La Paz," he said.

Gallegos stressed that security is one of La Paz's greatest assets, being the second municipality in Mexico with the lowest homicide rate. Therefore, protecting this tranquility is fundamental to generate well-being and prosperity.

In terms of health, the index highlighted health-related concerns, including access to medicinesThe number of health facilities, particularly outside of the municipal capital, is limited, forcing rural residents to travel to the city to receive basic health care.

"What is all this for? It serves to understand, not only to listen, but to understand how to align joint projects that can come out of here, with academia, the private sector, foundations," he stressed.

Gallegos commented that the La Paz Prosperity Index will be available on the new Alumbra InnovationsThe project provides a robust database for different stakeholders to work together in building a more prosperous future for the municipality.

Alumbra Innovations drives a welfare system: Pardo

In the same talk Rodrigo Gallegos presented the La Paz Prosperity Index, Enrique Pardo highlighted the work that Alumbra Innovations performed in Baja California Sur and other parts of the world to promote a welfare system.

The General Director of Impacto en Innovaciones Alumbra indicated that the vision of this collective founded by Christy Walton is to move towards a world in which community, nature and economy truly function as a welfare system.

"We have been talking about problems that we are facing humanity, addressing issues of water scarcity, biodiversity loss, the health of the oceans and how we are seeing industries collapsing and communities at risk. We are convinced that it is time to develop and push for new solutions," he said.

He clarified that Alumbra Innovations is not just a foundation, but a collective of organizations focused and committed to demonstrating and catalyzing economic models that restore nature, honor community and promote prosperity.

He explained that they have operating companies in the terrestrial and oceanic spheres with which they are involved in actions to achieve this welfare system.

The companies of Innovaciones Alumbra:

  • Rancho Cacachilas
  • Rusted Gates Farm
  • Tenaja Holdings
  • Cradle of the Sea
  • InnovaSea
  • Santomar
  • Blue Sun
  • Openblue
  • Blue Ocean
  • The Center for Aquaculture Technologies
  • Ándale La Paz
  • Cowboy Museum of the Californias
  • Silver Route Museum
  • Kumutú Steam

Enrique Pardo emphasized that Alumbra Innovations is open to co-investing and investing in solutions and business, with a local focus, thus promoting the La Paz Prosperity Index.

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