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Youth of the Sea of Cortez want to take action and "stick" to regional problems

They are not the future but the present of the region and they raise their hands to work on proposals for solutions, they stated in a panel during the Summit 2022 of the Sea of Cortez Forum.

The jeople of the Sea of Cortez are not the future but the present of the region, and they want to take action and "tackle" the problems in search of solutions. Sea of Cortez Youth Panel. Thinking, Vision and Value Proposals of the New the Summit 2002 from Sea of Cortez Forum.

The participants were María Arcelia Navarro Rodarte, Alejandro Valdez Rodríguez, José Ignacio Izquierdo and Santa Ana, y Juan Andrés Félix Lemmen Meyerthe president of the youth council, moderated by Adriana Tortajada Narváez.

Navarro Rodarte stated that it makes a lot of noise when he hears the phrase that young people are the future of Mexico, when they are already grown up.

"We are not the future, we are the present, the now, and we have time to make the change now, not waiting for the great ones to retire," he said.

He added that the Sea of Cortez Forum is the channel through which, as committed people, they can collaborate and take action to confront the problems of the region and not just talk about them.

"We can create something and if each one of us has that mentality something great could be created and really make a change," he stressed.

Izquierdo y Santa Ana stated that young people must be leaders with purpose and values to transform communities.

"To take action, to carry out actions and changes. Replicate what was done in Topolobampo, hold the (plastic) fishing tournament on the same day in locations in the five states and make it world news and make Foro Mar de Cortés the organization that is doing it," he said.

Alejandro Valdez indicated that the young people are in Sea of Cortez Forum to do something, so he asked them to trust them.

"Let's generate community, I invite you to invite your children and let's make this group of young people even more, we always welcome a new head, new ideas. Trust us, yes, there may be ideas, crazy ideas, but with good planning (they can be realized). Let us get stuck in, we are eager," he said.

Juan Andrés Félix also called on the members of Sea of Cortez Forum to support and mentor them.

"Let them open doors for us, let them enable us to move forward. We are here from all walks of life and to do something cool we already have the people, we just need to start acting, start to connect and make things happen," he said.

The president of the Sea of Cortez Sea Forum Youth Council emphasized that as leaders they can influence friends, colleagues and the people around them to achieve a common good.

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