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Centinelas de San Pedro Mártir, una iniciativa de Reforestamos México para adoptar árboles.
Centinelas de San Pedro Mártir, an initiative of Reforestamos México to adopt trees
It is an extraordinary idea that aims to protect this coniferous forest that is home to the reintroduced California condor, says Patricio Robles Gil, conservation photographer.

Replicating a conservation initiative in one of Europe's oldest forests in Romania, the Romanian conservation organization Reforestamos Mexico launched Sentinels of San Pedro Mártirthrough which you can adopt beautiful specimens of pines, firs and cedars from this National Park located at Baja California.

Patricio Robles Gila conservation photographer, stood out in This Country that this is an extraordinary idea because it is so simple and forceful and aims to protect this 72,000-hectare coniferous forest that provides invaluable environmental services to the planet, such as recharging aquifers and sequestering carbon.

"We have joined forces with Reforestamos Mexico to launch a campaign to adopt the great trees of this sierra. We have called it Centinelas de San Pedro Mártir, with the objective of strengthening the team of professionals who work protecting the biodiversity of this important national park," he explained.

He emphasized that the work of the National Park's management and ranger team is noteworthy, since with few resources allocated, they are able to carry out great actions to control the fires and attend to tourism.

It is the habitat of the California condor

The conservation photographer pointed out that the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir National Park houses the California condorThis is one of the most successful and forceful projects for the recovery of endangered species. The largest bird species in North America became extinct in Mexico in the 1970s, but after more than two decades of uninterrupted work, today 50 condors are flying free.

The coniferous forest with trees almost 50 meters high, where three species of pine (jeffreyi, contorta and lambertiana), a fir (Abies concolor) and a cedar (Calocedrus decurrens) stand out, is the perfect habitat for the California condor.

Robles Gil regretted that, unlike other countries, Mexico lacks the environmental culture necessary to influence the conservation of biodiversity and the spaces that protect the country's wild spirit.

"We do not have a relationship of respect and admiration for nature; we are distant and distant from it. It is therefore very inspiring to see how in other countries there is a cult of trees and forests," he said.

SpainThe company, for example, has a record of the largest and oldest trees, and has designed excursions to visit, get to know and admire these natural monuments, he said, while at United StatesThese trees are considered celebrities and are even named after characters from their history and are cared for with great affection.

Adopt a tree and protect our forests

The conservation photographer said Reforestamos Mexico has been trying to make a positive impact and for more than 20 years it has launched Time Sentinelsa photographic contest of the largest and most majestic wild, rural and urban trees.

"The most dramatic and moving images are rewarded with an important economic resource. At the same time, a record is made by species and locality. It is undoubtedly the most important effort Mexico has made to promote a culture of trees and forests," he said.

It is in the spirit of supporting this extraordinary effort of the civil society and to contribute to the very important work being carried out by the management of the Sierra San Pedro Martir National Park to protect its forests, which is launching the tree adoption campaign Sentinels of San Pedro Mártirhe stressed.

Robles Gil detailed that the adoption of a tree in Saint Peter Martyr is made through an economic contribution, which ranges from 10,000 to 100,000 pesos depending on the size of the tree to be adopted.

"The larger the size, the greater the contribution. You can also select the species you want, whether it is one of the three species of pine, spruce or cedar. The trees that have been selected are mature specimens whose base thickness and height have been measured," he said.

These trees have been individually photographed, their location and geographic position documented, and the donor receives a photograph of the adopted specimen, to which he can give a name, nickname or alias.

Reforestamos Mexico issues the corresponding tax-deductible receipt with the donor's tax information, he said.

Anyone wishing to make a commitment to this effort by adopting a tree from the program Sentinels of San Pedro MártirIf you have any questions, you can send an e-mail to

"It is time for our footprint to leave no trace and allow forests, prairies, jungles and seas to remain full of life, and for the monuments to be venerated to be forests, great trees, species that we saved from extinction. This will speak of our values, of our commitment to life," said the photographer.

Adopting a tree will help strengthen the resilience of forests to provide us with air and water, while contributing to strengthen a culture of greater respect and admiration for the natural world, he said.

Source: This Country
