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Arrecifes artificiales, una alternativa para restaurar ecosistemas marinos en el Mar de Cortés.
Artificial reefs, an alternative for restoring marine ecosystems in the Sea of Cortez
The government of BCS, the Japan International Cooperation Agency, civil organizations and academia develop a pilot plan in the Bay of La Paz, which generates encouraging results that can be replicated in the region.

In May 2023, 200 plastic structures with seashells were placed in a strategic area of the Bay of La PazThe aim was that they would become a habitat in which the marine life.

It is about artificial reefs type Shell Nursea technology that has been proven in Japanwith favorable results for the fishing communities. This initiative seeks to restore the marine ecosystem.

The Government of the State of Baja California Surthe Japan International Cooperation Agencyl (JICA), civil society organizations, and academic institutions have joined forces to create this artificial reefThe results of this pilot plan will be monitored.

Silvia Ramirezcoordinator of NOS Sustainable Northwestone of the organizations participating in the project, explained that the assessment is that the Shell Nurse is not only a device or an artificial reef that promotes the attraction of fish and biological communities, but that it is also a biomass producer.

"That there in the reefs they establish themselves and manage to reproduce or generate breeding and protection spaces for some species, that is what would modify and generate a successful result, in which they become biomass production sites from which communities are reestablished and populations are restored," he said.

Monitoring work includes oceanographic and plankton studies to identify ideal locations for establishing more artificial reefs and to understand how these structures are being used by different species. Diversity and genetic studies are also being conducted to detect the presence of species and their interaction with the new habitats.

Areas of prosperity

For the Shell Nurse type artificial reef pilot project, the JICA proposed the formation of a Satoumi CouncilThe project was implemented by the State Government, with the participation of various federal, state and municipal agencies, academia and civil organizations.

This Satoumi Council seeks to generate enough information to replicate this idea and scale it up in what in Japan is known as marine ranches.

"Marine ranches are areas defined based on the interests of the communities and according to the oceanographic and biological characteristics that are ideal for placing not just a group of Shell Nurses, but how you articulate a series of reefs that allow the flourishing and establishment of species," stressed Silvia Ramirez.

By creating sufficient habitat for wider use, it can provide protection, food and everything the species require for the different biological activities they require.

"Much of this concept and the benefits that are seen, have already been perceived by other people in other states and there is a lot of interest in replicating and having Shell Nurses and that is what we are working on," he said.

A viable alternative for communities

Along the entire coastline of the Sea of Cortez are home to hundreds of communities whose livelihoods depend on what the fishing activity provides them.

With many fisheries in decline, marine ecosystem restoration with Shell Nurses emerges as a viable option to turn that situation around and thrive.

Through the Satoumi Council actions or public policies can be recommended that can speed up or favor the implementation of artificial reefs, because in order for these areas to prosper and give the desired results, it is very important to establish fishing refuge zones.

This is a fishing management instrument that would allow the communities to have adequate management, and would ensure the surveillance of these sites to be able to take advantage of them not only in terms of fishing, but in many ways, such as tourism, said Ramírez.

"The results so far show that it can be a very good alternative, but it is important that the communities take ownership of it and make the most of it, taking care of it and allowing it to be a source of biological production and well-being," he said.

The project of artificial reefs Shell Nurse type was presented in the Summit 2023 from Sea of Cortez Forum and generated interest among attendees from the five states in the region, as it is expected that this initiative will not only benefit the biodiversityd and the marine ecosystemsbut also contributes to economic prosperity at fishing communitiess burdened by the decline in many fisheries.

Source: NOS Sustainable Northwest
