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Emissions reduction
Grupo Modelo has the goal of selling cold beers at no cost to the environment.
Through its Eclipse strategy, the brewing company has drawn up a roadmap to achieve zero net emissions by 2040 in its operations and its value chain in Mexico.

Selling to your customers cold beersThe goal is to ensure that the entire process does not have a negative impact on the environment. Modelo Group by 2040.

During the first meeting Leaders for Climate Actionexecutives of the brewing company, a subsidiary of AB-InBev a roadmap to move towards the creation of a new decarbonization and that of its value chain in Mexico, i.e., to reach the highest levels of zero net emissions from greenhouse gases.

The event was also attended by 25 of Grupo Modelo's main suppliers, Rubens SilvaThe regional president of Sustainability and Purchasing, explained that as part of this strategy, they created the Eclipse platformThe program will be directed to all its suppliers so that they can generate programs aimed at the decarbonization.

Eclipse is a global initiative that offers technological tools for companies to measure their carbon footprint and generate emission reduction plans. The platform is intended to generate opportunities for collaboration and share best practices aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, said Soqui CalderonThe Group's regional director of sustainability.

Emission reduction plan

The roadmap of Modelo Group towards decarbonization by 2040, contains three scopes: reduction of emissions in breweries and vertical plants, such as bottle factories; reduction of emissions derived from energy consumption; and reduction of indirect emissions involved in the production of raw materials, packaging, logistics and cooling systems, which represent 80 percent of the company's emissions.

"We are looking to inspire and motivate our value chain to join these decarbonization efforts for the benefit of all of us in the country. We have experience and we want to share it with all our suppliers so that we can continue to create a world with more reasons to give," said Calderón.

So that Modelo Group can achieve the goal of decarbonizing its operations and its value chain requires the installation of solar panels or other distributed generation solutions in more than 10,000 locations throughout Mexico.

The solution is to provide these stores with their own sustainable energy, which will contribute significantly to the reduction of emissions and the responsible use of energy resources.

Modelo Group highlights that 52 percent of the electrical energy used in its operations is renewable and some of its breweries are self-sufficient in terms of energy. This includes the use of wind and photovoltaic energy.

In addition, they have advanced in their goal with the acquisition of low-emission vehicles, such as the 135 electric vehicles that are already part of their fleet, including 55 heavy-duty trucks, and the opening of the first electric charging station for heavy-duty vehicles in Mexico City.

Source: El Financiero
