Jesús Ricardo Álvarez Félix to discuss the future of cities at Summit 2024

Jesús Ricardo Álvarez Félix debatirá el futuro de las ciudades en el Summit 2024.

Jesús Ricardo Álvarez FélixDivisional Manager of Strategic Innovation at Coppelwill be one of the voices that will resonate in the Summit 2024 Cities of the Futurewhich will take place from November 13 to 15 at Los CabosBaja California Sur, where he will take part in the Why are cities important?

Together with José Antonio Torre Medina MoraDirector of the Center for the Future of the Citiess of the Tecnológico de Monterreywill analyze in this space the role of cities as epicenters of the sustainable development and will seek to define a vision that will transform urban space into a wellness engine.

During the talk, which will be moderated by the consultant Rodolfo Rubio EtcharrenIn the course of the event, experts will discuss the economic, social, environmental and political dynamics that shape cities and their impact on the 90% quality of life of the inhabitants of the Sea of Cortez Region.

With an outstanding academic background, Jesús Ricardo Álvarez Félix D. in Urban Studies and Planning from the University of California, Berkeley. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in addition to a Master's degree in International Management with a specialization in International Business from the University of California, Berkeley. Thunderbird School of Global Management.

His background in strategic innovation and urban development positions him as an expert in understanding the complexities of modern cities.

Throughout her career, she has held relevant positions in institutions such as the MIT Senseable City Lab, Promexico, y Banco Aztecaand has provided advisory services in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This vast experience will enable him to contribute to the Summit 2024The report provides a valuable perspective on how cities can evolve to be sustainable, resilient and people-centered.

Francisco Cuamea: