These are the keys to new business leadership in the Sea of Cortés Region

These are the keys to new business leadership in the Sea of Cortés Region

Los Cabos, BCS. November 8, 2023. The Sea of Cortés Region has significant challenges in different areas, such as social development, public safety and even urban development, but addressing them requires a new leadership profile.
This conversation took place at the Summit 2023 Prosperity: A Possible Purposeof Sea of Cortez Forumleaving a series of keys proposed by Fred Kofmanexecutive coach and consultant in leadership and culture, and Agustin Coppel LukenHonorary President of the civil society organization, in the Conversation Specific capabilities that business leadership demands for the Sea of Cortez Region.

The keys can be summarized as follows new leadership have to become strategists, take responsibility, inspire more people with enthusiasm and a desire for a better world, as well as to become change agents to be able to respond to the challenges faced by the region in its different contexts.

"It's not about getting people to do things with rewards and punishments, no. It's about evoking internal commitment. No. It's about evoking people's internal commitment and that is evoked by example," said Kofman, who is the creator of the Conscious Leadership concept and has accompanied executives from Google, Microsoft, Facebook, among other companies.

But how to achieve this? Kofman explained that it can only when the business leaderships assume that their function also entails a social responsibility.

Today it is a question of responsibility and commitment; to evoke by example

For the consultant in Leadership and Culturevalues which are installed and identified in the traditional corporate leadership should be transformed into a scheme of responsibility and commitmentbut from a personal practice to inspire others.

"Incentives are for people to do things, not to want to do things. You can't hire wanting," he asserted.

What it is all about is evoking commitment and identity with common purpose, but that happens only when it is shown by example.

Corporate responsibility to society

Evoking commitment is not only a business strategy, but also a social responsibility, added Coppel Luken.

Taking these new business practices to a social betterment must be expanded, with a conversation such as the one in Sea of Cortez Forum.

"(With this Forum) We are building the idea and the concept of what we want and we are learning it along the way and we are getting to know it with the experts and with the other participants," he said.

Kofman added that in this discussion, the problems of each of the states that make up the region should be analyzed. In this way, issues such as the management of public spending, marine pollution, public safety, sustainable city planning and others that are normally associated with governmental responsibilities can be named.

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However, these responsibilities also involve more social actors, including entrepreneurs and companies.

"The question is not how to satisfy my dissatisfaction, the protagonist's question is what am I going to do about it?" mentioned the creator of the Conscious Leadership concept.

This series of reflections that go from inciting to dare, to being a protagonist in the social environment are part of a discussion that has just begun in the Sea of Cortez RegionThe first step is to understand and understand each other, to discuss the issues and to go deeper into them.

"In every organization there are divergences, but when there is a mission with common values everything can be arranged, when not, everything falls apart. That is why it is important to understand what the mission is, what brings us, what the purpose is," said Kofman.


  • Leading by example
  • Shining in the darkest moments
  • Inspiring people with enthusiasm
  • To have the desire for a better world
  • Have clear objectives
  • Being a reliable person
  • Radical dissatisfaction
  • Be able to respond to challenges
  • Assuming responsibility
Francisco Cuamea: