Let's take a step forward in building regional prosperity: Radamés Díaz

Let's take a step forward in building regional prosperity: Radamés Díaz

Los Cabos, BCS. November 8, 2023. In welcoming the Summit 2023 Prosperity: A Possible Purposeof Sea of Cortez Forum, Radamés Díaz Meza called on business leaders, academics and civil society to take a step forward in the construction of the prosperity of this region, which includes the states of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Nayarit, Sinaloa y Sonora.

The Executive President of the civil organization stated that, during the three-day summit, the objective is clear and ambitious: to build an agenda that will allow the resurgence of the capabilities, talents and leadership that these times are demanding, but also to find the motivation and the impulse that pushes in the construction of the regional prosperity.

"There is no longer any way to hide or to be oblivious. Let's give a pHe went on to say.

After giving a brief account of the origins of the region, he recalled that Sea of Cortez Forum was born in 2019 as a call of conscience to legacy building, intelligent encounter and timely action, under the impetus of Agustin Coppel LukenHonorary President of the organization, and his family.

"We have sought over the years to review our meeting points, our commonalities, strengthen ties and dialogue, and even discuss our differences, in order to visualize better scenarios, always aware of our common DNA as a region," he said.

Diaz Meza added that Sea of Cortez Forum was born in the midst of an in-depth reflection by its members on the business trajectory, costs and traces of success and what the future holds for them if they continue along this path.

"The material success brought to us by capitalism, freedoms, democracy and technological progress have marked our era as a space of undisputed privilege in history, however, these great advances have left behind almost irreversible impacts on the planet," he acknowledged.

"Large gaps and lags, as well as dangerous temperature increases that evidence damage to ecosystems, followed by raging hurricanes and very prolonged droughts, in an erratic mix that threatens biodiversity and questions our viability and permanence as a species."

The Chief Executive Officer of Sea of Corte Forums added that science warns that the planet has limits and that we must heal it, taking care of our actions in our lives, customs and businesses.

"The land, air and sea urge us to act responsibly. This Forum takes up this call," he stressed.

But it has to be done collectively and through dialogue, he said. Sea of Cortez Forum which began more than four years ago, has been a journey of leaders from the region who have come together to express concerns, share ideas and outline solutions.

"In these meetings the collective conscience of sustainable development for the region was born. These seeds of change were sown and are germinating in the Sea of Cortez Forum," he said.

After reviewing the first two editions of the Summit, regional meetings and youth gatherings, from which actions and initiatives were born, Radamés Díaz Meza called on attendees to join in the conversation and build the agenda for the sustainable development and regional prosperity that drives Sea of Cortez Foruman organization in which no one is in the way and everyone can be useful.

Francisco Cuamea: