Bernardo González-Aréchiga, an economist dedicated to academia

Bernardo Gonzalez-Arechiga Ramirez-Wiella has built a long career in research and teaching, which has led him to direct prestigious educational institutions in Mexico.

Mr. González-Aréchiga holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey and a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Essex in England. Mr. González-Aréchiga has a D. in Economics with a major in Economic Development from the University of Southeastern California.

He began his career in academia as academic director and director of Economic Studies at the Colegio de la Frontera Norte from 1984 to 1981, he subsequently became general manager of Mexder and director of the Graduate School of Public Administration and Public Policy (EGAP) of the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

From 2013 to March 2022, he was the Institutional Rector of the Universidad del Valle de México and as of June of the same year, he was appointed General Secretary of the Federation of Private Mexican Institutions of Higher Education (FIMPES), of which he was previously vice-president of the board of directors.

Mr. González Aréchiga was Director of Planning and Deputy General Director of Derivatives at the Mexican Stock Exchange; Coordinator of the Office of the President of Mexico for Public Policy Affairs and independent member of the Board of Governors of IPAB.

He was a consultant to the NAFTA Negotiating Team and to the GATT (now WTO) Negotiating Team on the Maquiladora Industry and International Subcontracting. He is the author of books and more than 60 articles published in Mexico.

The renowned academic will be at the Summit 2022 Mission Prosperityof Sea of Cortez Forumwhich will be held from November 16 to 18, at Los CabosBaja California Sur, where she will participate in the Human Capital Formation panel.

Francisco Cuamea: