Sustainable transportation, key to success of nearshoring in Mexico: AMTM

Sustainable transportation, key to the success of nearshoring in Mexico: AMTM.

In the context of the nearshoringa phenomenon that has captured the world's attention for its potential to attract foreign investments, Mexico is facing a historic opportunity, but to take advantage of it, it is essential to have an sustainable transporthe said Nicolás Rosales Pallares.

The president of the Mexican Association of Transportation and Mobility (AMTM) emphasized that there are currently more than 300 billion dollars invested by foreign companies in the country, however, without overcoming key challenges, such as the implementation of a modern, efficient and accessible transportationMexico could lose up to an additional 200 billion dollars in investments.

An efficient and accessible urban transport network has the capacity to boost the local economy, foster more sustainable and equitable urban development, and make urban transport operations more efficient and accessible. nearshoring more sustainable in the long term, he said.

Rosales Pallares added that the sustainable transport not only reduces emissions and protects the environment, but also optimizes costs, enhances corporate reputation, increases supply chain resilience and ensures regulatory compliance.

He stressed that the recent approval of the National Policy on Urban Collective Public Transportation (PNTPCU) is a step in the right direction, as it provides a roadmap for authorities at all levels of government to improve urban mass transit throughout the country.

The president of the AMTM said that transportation is a fundamental pillar for economic, social, commercial and urban development, but it also has a significant impact on the environment.

He stressed that in order to reduce pollution caused by transportation, with its adverse effects on health, coordinated action between the authorities, the private sector and civil society is necessary.

Therefore, he called for the alignment of transportation strategies and projects with this new reality, in order to contribute to a more efficient, safe and environmentally friendly mobility.

"I am convinced that, together, we can generate innovative solutions that not only improve people's quality of life, but also promote equitable and sustainable development," he said.

Rosales Pallares emphasized that having sustainable transportation, aligning the mobility policies with the requirements of the international market, will lead Mexico to become a global leader in the nearshoring.

Source: AMTM

Francisco Cuamea: