Mexico advances in attractiveness for investment in renewable energies

Mexico advances in attractiveness for renewable energy investments.

Although Mexico is not yet among the best destinations for investments at renewable energiesIn 2024, it moved up two places in the ranking of 40 countries prepared by the consulting firm EYranking 33rd.

Forbes noted that, according to EY, the incoming administration of Claudia Sheinbaum offers significant opportunities to make progress towards the 2050 climate goals.

The Country Attractiveness Index for Renewable Energy Investment EY's RECAI (RECAI) provides a detailed analysis of the progress in renewable energies in Latin America and globally, as well as identifying crucial investment strategies to comply with international climate change standards. This index shows that Mexico is realigning itself with regional trends after a period of instability in the renewable energies.

The incoming administration has committed to invest more than US$13 billion in solar, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal energy projects during the next six-year term, increasing the possibility of meeting international climate commitments set for 2050, according to the consultancy. These investments are projected to add 13 GW of new green generation capacity to the Mexican electricity grid by 2030, EY noted.

In the RECAIThe United States ranks first, followed by China, Germany, France and Australia. In Latin America, Chile ranks 15th, Brazil 20th and Argentina 26th. Mexico ranks 33rd, followed by Peru in 40th place.

"Mexico's rise in the RECAI is up two points from the previous edition and is indicative of the potential we have to lead in clean energy. This progress should be a catalyst to further drive investment and encourage the development of public policies that support a sustainable energy transition," said Alfredo Alvarez, Energy lead partner for EY Latin America.

"It is essential that we seize this moment to expand our commitment to renewables by incentivizing greener, more resilient infrastructure," he added.

The consulting firm said that RECAI is crucial to highlight those developing markets that exceed expectations in its energy transitionThe report, revealing the ambitious plans of these economies and presenting attractive opportunities for investors interested in the energy sector. renewable energies.

This outlines a clearer path to sustainable investments and contributes to more informed decision making to advance the energy transitiona global level.

Source: Forbes

Francisco Cuamea: