AI will transform the world and entrepreneurs must anticipate what the future will look like: Bismarck Lepe

AI will transform the world and entrepreneurs must anticipate what the future will be like: Bismarck Lepe.

The revolution of the artificial intelligence (IA) and the roboticsThe world, which is a little further back, will bring about a transformation in the world, and the entrepreneurs of the Sea of Cortés Region must think about what that future will be like in order to adapt to the changes, he said. Bismarck Lepe.

The founder and Chief Executive Officer of Wizeline was the guest speaker at the virtual meeting 30 of Voices from the Sea of Cortezconvened by Sea of Cortez Forumwhere he presented the topic "Artificial Intelligence will change everything: Strategies for business growth in the Sea of Cortez." and shared his vision of the impact and opportunities that these technologies offer.

Lepe emphasized that the robotics is in full swing and will soon be an everyday reality. He cited examples such as Waymo, the world's first autonomous travel service, whose self-driving car operates like a robot, and the announcement of Tesla about its next robot, which will cost approximately $8,000.

"Robotics I think it comes a little bit behind, but when AGI (Generalized Artificial Intelligence) arrives, if it arrives in 3 years, it will be applied to robotics and now that we are talking about cheaper labor in Mexico, if we are thinking that robots can work 24 hours a day, they will cost 8 thousand dollars and there will be rental programs, we as entrepreneurs have to be thinking about how that world will be, because it is changing and it is changing fast," he said.

New opportunities

The executive of Wizeline stressed that these technologies will also open up new opportunities that will arise in this context. He anticipated that in the future there will be robot workshops and companies that manufacture replacement parts for them, so that new opportunities will emerge. new economies.

Lepe stressed that these new technologies will bring a positive shift towards abundance in key sectors such as medicine and education, where there is currently a shortage of professionals.

He gave the example of MyHealth Healthan initiative that uses Mexican physicians to provide services to the Hispanic community in Mexico. United States. This platform, he said, improves efficiency by providing consultations in Spanish, culturally adapted and at a lower cost.

"We created an agent that is learning all the consultations in Spanish to give suggestions to the doctor so that he can do things faster and be more efficient, so there are places, such as in medical services, that would be great if they could be a source of data where we could train this and use the algorithms to be able to put a tablet and the best doctor in the world in all the towns of Mexico," he said.

Lack of investment and more curiosity

The executive of Silicon Valley expressed his optimism, but also his concern about Mexico's lag in the adoption of these technologies, stressing the need for investment and curiosity on the part of engineers and entrepreneurs to avoid being left behind in the global technology race.

He emphasized Wizeline's collaboration with the Tec de Monterreyin the creation of the Generative AI Lab (G.AI.L.) in Guadalajara. This laboratory aims to work with faculties to incorporate AI in their programs and support local entrepreneurs in the adoption of these tools.

However, he pointed out that Mexican universities are slow to adapt.

Before an audience of more than 90 people who connected to the virtual meeting, Lepe advocated fostering curiosity and innovation in future generations, so that young people dream and go beyond.

He highlighted the initiative of families and businessmen of the Sea of Cortés Region for taking the initiative on these issues and demonstrating a commitment to Mexico's future.

Francisco Cuamea: