UN initiative seeks to reduce emissions from road transport to zero by 2050

Iniciativa de la ONU busca reducir a cero las emisiones del transporte terrestre para 2050.

In an important step toward mitigating climate changemember states, the member states of the United Nations adopted the Inland Transportation Committee Strategy (ITC) to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions from ground transportation.

This initiative seeks to address the significant contribution of transportation, which is responsible for 23% of annual GHG emissions, with the ground transportation representing 72% of this total.

The strategy is aimed at globally transforming the way in which the ground transportation and establish a medium- and long-term path towards the carbon neutrality by 2050, based on the 61 legal instruments of the United Nations under the purview of ITC.

Mark HarbersThe Netherlands Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management underlined the importance of this step at the ITC session, stating that it will determine the future of transport.

"We are here to take steps towards a future-proof inland transportation system. One that takes into account the challenges related to climate, energy security and road safety. It is also vital that the transition to clean transport is a just transition," he said.

He highlighted the need for a transport system prepared for climate challenges, energy and road safety, and welcomed ITC's initiative in developing quality standards for the import and export of used vehicles.

The main objective of the strategy is for ITC to take urgent action to assist its member states to achieve the aspirational goal of zero net GHG emissions from the ground transportation by 2050.

This strategy prioritizes the public transportation in combination with cycling and walking for passenger transport and enables new approaches to urban freight transport solutions, as well as improved vehicles, infrastructure and operations, including border operations, to make the inland transport sector more efficient.

Key objectives of ITC's Strategy are:

  • Develop and improve decarbonization policies, laws and measures, including their monitoring.
  • Promote efficient energy use and optimized driving behavior.
  • Accelerated replacement of fossil fuel vehicles with zero-emission vehicles.
  • Promote research and development of carbon-neutral energy technologies and fuels.
  • Support practices related to the circular economy and determine the carbon footprint of vehicles and infrastructure.

The implementation will be carried out through a Climate Action Plan of ITC with milestones, guiding the member states towards climate objectives specific.

It will focus on avoiding unnecessary kilometers, shifting to sustainable modes and improving vehicles, infrastructure and operations.

The ITC Strategy will be reviewed every five years, marking an ongoing commitment to the climate action in the transportation sector. This crucial milestone underscores the importance of addressing the decarbonization of land transportation to meet climate commitments under the Paris Agreement.

Source: UN UNECE

Francisco Cuamea: